Sunday, August 7, 2022

New comics

New comics!

Public Domain 1-2

Bought this off of a recommendation from iFanboy.  It’s a timely story about a comic book artist whose creation is making millions for the company (MCU-level movies) while he’s getting nothing in return.  All legal, of course, but it leaves the worst kind of taste in one’s mouth.  What happens when the artist and his family try to get what they think they deserve?

A compelling start from Chip Zdarsky.

New Champion of Shazam 1

Checked this out on a whim, and it looks to be super fun.  Mary Bromfield (formerly Mary Marvel before losing her powers in another title) is finally on her own as a freshman at Vassar College, eager to discover who she is as a person.  Unfortunately, she’s dragged back into the superhero game by a magically enchanted rabbit.  An awesome start to a new miniseries.

Batman: Killing Time 6

I’m sure someone’s going to compile a chronologically-correct version of this series.  I’d very much like to read it, because I’m sure I’m missing some key point that will give this story meaning.  But barring that, this is still entertaining enough through the individual beats.  Not King’s best, not his worst either.

Batman White Knight Presents: Red Hood 1

In the White Knight universe, Jason Todd was the first Robin.  This two-part mini covers the backstory and his new role as mentor for a Robin-wannabe.  Fine enough for me to get the second part.

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