Friday, August 26, 2022

Ultimate Spider-Man, Cataclysm

Spider-Men 1-5

What a superb run of comics today.  Brian Michael Bendis is really at his peak here.

This crossover between Miles Morales and Peter Parker of the 616 is everything I could want from it.  Actually, all I wanted was issue 4, where Peter meets Ultimate May and Gwen, leading to the catharsis and resolution that I was looking for from the disappointing Ultimate Fallout.  There’s some stunningly emotional stuff here.

Everyone needed this so much.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good (Pure joy for 4)

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man 19-22

Miles fights Venom.  His dad gets crippled (busted leg) and his mom dies.  Thank god she comes back when the universes merge.

Hah, English accent.  What a brilliant touch by Bendis.

That smash cut freaked me out when I saw it.

Pride and protection in her last moment.  What a mom.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man 23-28

Cataclysm: Spider-Man 1-3

Jump forward a year.  Miles hasn’t put on the costume since his mom died.  Cloak and Dagger make their debut.  Bombshell tries to be a good guy.  (And succeeds.)  Jessica leads them all against Roxxon.  It all sounds by-the-book, but Bendis and David Marquez absolutely crush it on execution.  

The look on Jessica's face at the end.

Takes my breath away every time.

Go Gwen.

So sad the All-New Ultimates title sucked.  If only Bendis wrote it.

Then 616 Galactus shows up and everything goes to shit.  Miles’ dad continues to be pretty unlikeable with his bitching and self-righteous complaining.

Hee.  "It can be both."

His mom took it a lot better.

Credit to Miles for not reacting poorly in turn.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Cataclysm: Ultimates’ Last Stand 1-5

Survive 1

Once again, Bendis shows that he’s a master of events comics.  Kitty Pryde’s the superstar this time around, with a major assist from evil Reed Richards.  Captain America dies and Thor gets trapped in the Negative Zone w/ Galactus.  (I don’t remember how they bring him back to 616.)

I didn't notice until now how "blood and urine" is a Bendis running gag.

I wish I'd been keeping track through all his titles.

No hesitation from Kitty.  Love her.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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