Monday, September 5, 2022

The Princess, Secret Wars

The Princess

I’d heard some good stuff about this action movie starring Joey King.  It’s basically The Raid in reverse; King plays a kidnapped princess who has to fight her way from the top of the tower in which she’s imprisoned to the bottom.  

Unfortunately, this isn’t as good as it could have been.  A game King can’t quite sell the numerous action scenes; she looks just a little too awkward and clunky, though I appreciated the effort.  I even found myself bored here and there.  My time could have been better spent on other things to watch.

Regret watching: No

Would watch again: No

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Fine

Secret Wars 1-9

The Jonathan Hickman/Esad Ribic one, not the Jim Shooter/Mike Zeck one.  I borrowed it from the library after reading the Ultimate Spider-Man issues, hoping that it’d shed some light on how the Ultimate universe merged with the 616 one.

Not really.  Most of it is Doom posturing and Reed Richards/Black Panther figuring out how to save the day.  It involves a bunch of weirdness with Molecule Man that I didn’t find all that interesting.  Hickman isn’t the best at execution on his best days, and when he doesn’t have a great concept to work off of, it’s even worse.  So glad I didn’t buy this.

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