Sunday, September 25, 2022

Mister Miracle

Mister Miracle 1-12

Some thoughts on this excellent, wonderful series:

Standard Tom King “it’s been four issues and I still don’t know where he’s going with this” beginning.

Scott and Barda’s relationship is completely in the Hawkeye/Black Widow talking about remodeling the house in the middle of crazy action phase.

They do this for the entire issue.

King clearly gets the “once you have a kid, nothing else has a higher priority” thing.  Even a war of interplanetary proportions.  This whole series is the most insightful look into that mindset ever.  He gets what being a parent means.  I mean, most parents do, but he captures it on the page better than anyone.

I was just as paranoid about this.

Someone watched The Cosby Show.

Geez louise.  Gut punch.


Mitch Gerads’ art is sublime.  His mastery of body language is stunning.

So perfect.

One of the best pages of comic art ever:

King manages to interweave so many major themes here: suicide and its effect on families, parenthood, the very nature of what is real, and whether it should matter if you’re happy in the reality you’ve chosen.  Gerads portrays it on the page with a skill that I can’t imagine coming from many other artists.  This is a true masterwork.

A few final things:

A running gag that's in his Batman run as well.

Love this.  No idea if King made this up or not.

Heh.  Boom tubes as Lyft.

Why does Gerads have the steering wheel on the wrong side for the whole series?

So cute.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good (Pure joy for 8)

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