Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Hitman 29-33

Tommy and the gang play soldier in Africa.  They get to run rampant in a WWII-era Tiger tank, just another excuse for Garth Ennis to write a war story :)

They're such fanboys.

Regret buying: No (for everything today)

Would buy again: Yes (for everything today)

Would read again: Yes (for everything today)

Rating: Good

Hitman 1000000

One of my favorite comics ever, for a hilarious two-page spread that culminates in the funniest punchline ever:

In case you missed it.

Rating: Pure joy

Hitman 34

The Eisner-winning Superman issue.  Ennis has one of his rare “superheroes are actually inspiring” moments, and he does it so well.

Superman failing.

Rating: Really good

Hitman 35-36

Tommy learns about his parentage.  It’s depressing, brutal, and a masterclass in storytelling.  No one can juggle serious and funny in the same series like Ennis.

Rating: Pure joy (As joyful as something like this can be.)

Hitman 37-38

Vampires invade Gotham during No Man’s Land.  Tommy’s got a problem with that.

Heh.  Kudos to Ennis, btw, for his seamless integration of tie-ins into Hitman.

Rating: Good

It occurs to me that this is one of the few series where I remember just about everything that happens.  There’s no “which arc was that again?”  Even better, there’s no “crap, I have zero desire to read that arc again.”  I love Hitman.

Hitman 39-43

Ringo finally gets his spotlight arc, which means, of course, that he dies at the end of it.  This is pure John Woo and Chow Yun Fat, made clear by the dedication on the last page.  It’s glorious, and I really wish we could have seen more of Tommy and Ringo side-by-side with plenty of ammo.

This is totally this scene:

Rating: Really good (Good for 43, the epilogue issue)

Have to end it with an elephant pissing on Tommy.

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