Friday, September 16, 2022

Echo, New comics

New comics!

Fables 154

So much filler.  On the one hand, I probably wouldn’t buy this again.  But the completionist in me can’t bring myself to stop.

Dark Knights of Steel: Tales from the Three Kingdoms 1

Yet another anthology that’s a waste of time and money.  I was skeptical about buying this, I should have listened to my gut.  

Variants 3

This continues to be a solid story.  It’s a brilliant move by Gail Simone to make one of the variants a more innocent Jessica who never encountered Killgrave.  Talk about a Sliding Doors moment.

Public Domain 3

I’m still enjoying this intriguing battle between creator and company over an IP.  It’s just a very well told story.

New Champion of Shazam 2

Great art by Doc Shaner, but the story by Josie Campbell isn’t quite as charming in this second issue.

Great lightning.

Batman: One Bad Day - Riddler

I did not expect to read something this good today, even with Tom King and Mitch Gerads’ names on the cover.  This is basically Killing Joke for the Riddler, complete with origin story, showdown in the rain, and leveling up the villain to another tier of evil.  This is really good, as instant of a classic as I can recall in recent memory.  It’s definitely the best Riddler story I’ve ever read.

Then there’s the ending.  Did Batman kill Edward Nygma?  The panel layout, mimicking the opening murder in the book, certainly seems to suggest that.  Which would make this an Elseworlds.  That would be a shame, this certainly deserves to be in canon.

Echo 1-30

As good as Strangers in Paradise is, I was never all that interested in reading any of Terry Moore’s followup works.  (And it’s not like I made it through SiP the first time around.)  But I certainly wasn’t going to turn down the complete collection for ten bucks, a 75% discount, at my LCS.  That was four years ago, and I finally got around to reading it today.  

Moore is an amazing comic book creator.  His art and writing are so strong.  I couldn’t put this down, reading the whole thing in a little over two hours.  

Absolutely lovely narration


Was this meant to be sweet?  Because it's creepy as fuck.

I’m dubious about the whole “end of the world” thing, it’s super melodramatic and really doesn’t fit with the tone of the story.  (In case you’re wondering, the science fiction of the suit works for me.  Global apocalypse does not.  Nor does the appearance of Cain.  That Cain.)  It’s probably why the whole Five Years thing didn’t do much for me.   

But I am still interested in picking up Rachel Rising and Motor Girl at some point.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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