Thursday, September 1, 2022


Alias 1-21

Brian Michael Bendis really left a legacy at Marvel; Among other things, he created Miles Morales, reinvigorated Luke Cage as a prominent character in the universe, and came up with the complex mess that is Jessica Jones.

What an amazing character.  While Miles subscribes to the classic “With great power there must come great responsibility,” Jessica goes to the school of “Fuck my powers, I’ll do the responsible thing despite them.”  She’s got so many obstacles in her way, many of them placed there by herself.  But she gets past all of them in order to do the right thing, bitching and moaning the whole time.  

I’d forgotten how many cases Jessica goes through before the Purple Man shows up.  This is straight up film noir with a splash of superpowers, and it’s very well done.  

David Mack covers are always a welcome sight.

That's Steve Rogers, btw.

So. Gross.

And so begins a wonderful friendship...

Plus there’s the hilarious issue 10, where JJJ hires Jessica to uncover Spider-Man’s secret identity.  She takes the job, only to scam him out of thousands of dollars helping the homeless.  It’s priceless.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good  (Pure joy for 10, Good for 16-21)

And with that, I now have less than one thousand comics left to read.  The last 7% of my collection.  Crazy. 

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