Sunday, September 18, 2022


Here we go, Hitman!  One of my favorite comics ever, I haven’t read this in quite some time.  I hope it’s as good as I remember.

Demon Annual 2

Tommy Monaghan’s first appearance, famously coming out of the wretched Bloodlines annual gimmick that no one remembers.  (Each annual introduced a new hero, almost none of whom caught on.)  There’s really no way Hitman should have merited a second glance either; He’s completely two-dimensional in this, with only a glimmer of the sense of humor that’ll be such an important part of the series.  Pat and Sean also make cameos, proto-versions that give no hint of the emotional weight they’ll carry further down the line.  Garth Ennis is frankly a genius for getting what he did out of this initial effort.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

Batman Chronicles 4

I originally reviewed this as part of the Batman “Contagion” arc, but the trade reprint didn’t have the Hitman part of this issue.  (Understandably.)  That part upgrades the rating up a tick.  

He doesn't get the quote exactly right, but the sentiment is spot on.

Tommy’s irreverence starts to show itself, and this directly sets up the beginning of the series w/ the hit on the Joker.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Hitman Annual 1

Ennis loves to shoehorn his favorite genres into whatever work he does; I’m sure he was thrilled when he found out this annual had to be a western as part of that year’s “Pulp Heroes” theme.

He doesn’t disappoint with this tale set south of the border in a little stereotypical town complete with Mexican drug lord, corrupt sheriff, a coffin full of buried cash, and a traditional gunslinging showdown.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Hitman 1-12

On the one hand, these are still as entertaining and easy to read as I remember.  On the other, I’m not experiencing the visceral glee that I was somehow expecting.  But all the moments I loved before still play just as well.  Ennis is a master of taking well-worn genre tropes and playing them straight with no irony, and then juxtaposing them with his “refuse to take anything seriously” brand of humor to maximum effect.  

Character establishment done to a tee.


Only in Hitman.

I love little touches like this scene.

Typical "sword to a gunfight."

Best tagline ever.

Straight out of a John Woo film.

Love Tiegel's Nazi grandfather.

And her well-intentioned mother.

Ennis really has no use for superheroes.

Heh, Tiegel.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Hitman 13-14

“Zombie Night at the Gotham Aquarium.”  One of the most ridiculous, insane, fucking awesome comic book stories in the history of man.  Just thinking about perfect art by John McCrea is enough to make me crack up.

Best cover ever?


Ah, Hacken...

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

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