Saturday, September 17, 2022

Golden Age

Okay, time to start my third to last box of comics, Hitman plus an assortment of some of my favorite DC series.  

Golden Age 1-4

This story is just as good now as it is the first time I read it.  It’s so well done, and I couldn’t help but notice this time around that it follows the structure of a few other notable epic minis (Kingdom Come and New Frontier come to mind, two other series that I’m going to be reading in this box of comics.  Woots!): A slow start, taking a couple of issues to really set the stage, get us into the minds of our main characters.  Then the main threat is revealed, leading to a massive showdown with devastating losses and stakes with emotional impact that feel real.  

(Also interesting that these three series take place outside of the main continuity - Golden Age, Silver Age, and future.)

Between this and Starman, James Robinson has probably done more than any other writer to introduce me to Golden Age characters and make them awesome to read about.  It’s like how Band of Brothers brings faded black and white photos and vague stories of bravery and heroism to life.  (Not the same thing, but you know what I mean.)  

Shout out to Paul Smith on art.  He’s a legend, and I only have a few of his works.  But even simple scenes stand out with their elegant beauty.

For some reason, this teetered on the line between Really Good and Pure Joy for a while.  At the end of the day, it’s on the lower end of the spectrum, but it deserves a spot on the highest tier.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

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