Monday, September 12, 2022

Cages, Alias, Jupiter's Legacy


Dave McKean’s magnum opus.  I haven’t read this in a very long time, but I’ll always remember it for the best depiction I’ve ever seen of that magical moment when you click with someone for the first time and the rest of the world falls away.  Only comics can do this:


The story is fine, talking about the lives of the residents of an apartment building. McKean has a surprisingly keen ear for dialogue and monologue:

There's something profound and true right here.

So sad and pathetic.

Heh, great button.

Soul crushing levels of realization.

But there are also plenty of clunky bits that don’t work for me at all.  (His description of all the musical keys stands out in particular.)  As a whole though, Cages is a worthy read.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Alias 22-23

The missing issues came in the mail today.  Basically, I spent eight bucks for two issues that took four minutes to read.  Not the best value, but I’d still rather have the complete run of issues than not.  The origin of Jessica Jones goes by really fast.  In a retcon I don’t have a problem with, she went to high school with Peter Parker and had a major crush on him.  She was going to ask him out on the day he got bitten.  Cute.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Jupiter’s Legacy: Requiem 1-6

Mark Millar jumps ahead twenty or so years.  The stars of the last miniseries have grown up superpowered children of their own now.  Everything’s as dysfunctional with them as it was with their parents and their grandparents.  And then a ton of them start dying because that’s what Millar does.  (Quite well, it’s not like a Joss Whedon situation.)  

This reads a lot better in one sitting than in monthly installments.  I’m not sure if I’ll get the last six issues when they come out.  (The last announced release date came and went last month with no sign of issue 7.)  But I won’t deny that I want to know how things end.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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