Wednesday, September 14, 2022

New Comics

New comics!

Injustice 2 13, 15-36

Injustice 2 Annual 1-2

When Tom Taylor writes Elseworlds, it doesn’t feel like Elseworlds.  He reveals universal truths that make his stories feel like they are the ones in continuity.  He’s an extraordinary talent.

Taylor's a master of the brilliant, obvious joke that's never been told before.

Killing Tim is effing cold.


Taylor may be the only person to make Booster Gold not suck.

I love the Jonathan/Bruce relationship Taylor's crafted here.

As good a way as any to end the series.

Injustice 2
was a little unfocused, split between the battle on Earth against Ra’s al Ghul and the space battle between the Green and Red Lanterns.  But it holds together really well.  And unlike most series that run this long, I never had a moment of “how many more issues are there to read before I’m done with this?”

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