Monday, September 26, 2022


Rorschach 1-12

The rare Tom King maxiseries where the individual issues are stronger than the overall story.  Usually, King’s mysteries don’t come together until the end, where everything suddenly ties together in a brilliant flash of revelation.  This time around, each issue works remarkably well as a standalone mini-puzzle.  It’s in the final two issues that things fall apart, when the convoluted trail of breadcrumbs somehow convinces the detective to murder presidential candidate Turley for reasons that I can’t quite figure out.  (And I went back to read it again to make sure.)  Maybe it’ll make more sense the more times I read it, and it certainly won’t be a hardship to do so.  Despite my criticisms, this is a really well done comic book.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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