Saturday, June 18, 2022

Fables, New comics

Once again, I fall behind one day and here I am with twenty issues to review.  Let’s get going!

Fables 94-100

We learn Rose Red’s origin and why she’s been wrongfully pissed at Snow for her entire life.  She busts out of her funk and reasserts her leadership of The Farm.  Frau Totenkinder defeats Mister Dark until it turns out she didn’t.  Everyone flees to Haven.  Beauty and the Beast’s daughter is born, and she may have taken her father’s curse with her.

Lots of things happening.  Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham haven’t lost a step one hundred issues in.  I’m still completely engaged.

Alluring cover from Joao Ruas.

I like his interiors as well.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Fables 101-113

Bufkin somehow makes his way to Oz, where he starts a rebel alliance against the upstart emperor there.  Bufkin’s best in small quantities, I’m fine with this plot thread but not loving it.

There’s a pointless arc where Pinocchio tries to dress the Fables up as superheroes as they train to defeat Dark.  None of it matters when the North Wind sacrifices himself to take out Dark.

This leads to an arc to determine which of Bigby’s kids will be the new North Wind.  (It’s Winter.)

Rose Red agrees to become a Paragon of Hope, or something like that.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good (Pretty good for 112, Nice for 101 and 113)

I’m so behind on new comics.  Here are some of them:

Captain Marvel 38

I was all ready to drop this title; The last arc was underwhelming, and I had no interest in reading a story about Binary.  But Kelly Thompson made this issue so funny that I have to give it at least another month.  

Seven Secrets 17

I’m once again prepared to drop this title.  It previously received a stay of execution, but I find myself not caring.  Again.  As with Captain Marvel, this gets one more month to change my mind.

Captain Carter 3

Good, clean fun, exactly what I’m looking for in this title.

Nightwing 92

Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo continue to amaze.

Batman: Beyond the White Knight 3

A setup issue.  We get the Derek Powers origin story.

Lion and the Eagle 4

Things reach their bloody conclusion.  Very middle of the road for a Garth Ennis war story.  Not one that sticks in my mind.

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