Thursday, June 16, 2022


Fables 87-91

“Witches.”  Frau Totenkinder reverts to her true form (a hot young witch, naturally) and goes on a quest to figure out how to defeat Mister Dark.  In her absence, Ozma usurps the leadership position of the magic users of the (formerly) thirteenth floor.  Geppetto also throws his hat into the ring to become the new leader of Fabletown.

In the parallel storyline, Bufkin (yes, the buffoonish flying monkey) takes on (and defeats) the great djinn from the “Arabian Knights” arc and Baba Yaga.  Is this for real?  I still can’t believe it.  

All of this is great stuff.  This lead up to the inevitable confrontation with Dark (which I can’t remember any of) is so well done by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham.  There’s a real sense of stakes.  And the Bufkin thread, which could so easily have turned out stupid and unbelievable, actually comes off as awesome.  I found myself rooting for the monkey and his ragtag band of would-be heroes.  

That's honestly the coolest power ever.

It is dumb.  It's very dumb.

But it somehow works.

My only quibble is that this really doesn’t qualify as an arc, as it ends on a cliffhanger.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good 

Fables 92-93

More comics should have baseball in them.  This two-parter’s game (for the Haven pennant) kicks off a murder trial where the star witness is the brother of the scorpion in the “Frog and Scorpion” fable.  It’s so good.

Also, Flycatcher finally makes a move on Red Riding Hood:

I blame it on the lackluster art by the usually solid David Lapham, but there's no sense of romance in that scene. What should be super gratifying and sweet after such a long time of waiting comes across more as a subject reluctantly acquiescing to her king, way more disturbing.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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