Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Watchmen 1-5

I still remember buying this at the comic shop on the MIT campus when I was visiting schools during my senior year in high school.  (They had a comic shop ON CAMPUS!  I somehow still didn’t end up going there.)  I read it on the plane ride home.  

What I would give to go back to that moment, of discovering something groundbreaking and life changing.  It’s an amazing feeling, something that I can still remember.  Would that I could bottle it up and hoard it for special moments.  (No way would I sell it.)

Rereading this is basically unnecessary from a review standpoint.  My opinion of Watchmen is not going to change from another turn through the pages.  I’m still going to do it, of course, and it’s already such a pleasure.  This is one of those “worth every bit of praise” comics, up there with Dark Knight Returns and Sandman.  (The fact that those are the other examples I came up with off the top of my head suggests those are my top three comics ever.  I’ll have to revisit that in more detail when I finish this whole project.) 

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