Monday, November 1, 2021

Seven Secrets, New comics

Working my way through my new comics pile.

Jupiter’s Legacy: Requiem 5

It was a tarp.  Some key players get killed, this is the Empire Strikes Back part of the story.  I gotta say, I’m impressed by Mark Millar’s willingness to kill off major characters with no ceremony or fanfare.  These things happen in single, tiny panels and are then immediately dismissed.

Seven Secrets 1-12 

Breaking the usual review order because I’m considering taking this off my subscription.  I haven’t been enjoying the issues on a month to month basis, but had the strong suspicion that it read better all at once.  I couldn’t believe that a Tom Taylor story with such gorgeous art by Daniele Di Nicuolo was actually boring, and found it entirely possible that my inability to remember the plot and characters was the real culprit.

How happy I am to have my hypothesis confirmed.  This is a fun, action packed, touching comic.  Definitely keeping this on my pull list.  


Look at these colors by Walter Baiamonte. Stunning.

This comic is filled with inspired, eye-catching character designs.  Even the grunts looks spiffy.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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