Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Stormwatch: Team Achilles

Stormwatch: Team Achilles 1-6

Micah Ian Wright’s taken a lot of shit for some stupid things that he’s done.  And reading some of his interviews and writings, he comes across as a self-important dick.  But credit where it’s due, he writes a damn fine comic book.  

Ben Santini and his crew of soldiers definitely come across as sour grape foxes unable to acknowledge any of the good superheroes can bring to the world.  But Wright does a nice job of showing that they have a valid point as well.  He’s basically Garth Ennis taking the piss out of spandex heroes, but playing it straight instead of with any sense of humor.  And it works really well.  It’s a point of view that’s so rarely seen, and I’m glad Wright takes a shot at it showing it to us.  

Okay, there's some humor.  This is straight out of Star Trek: Generations.

This amused me, too.

The uber-competence of this Stormwatch team is
almost plausible.  I usually don’t have a problem with protagonists that are twelve steps ahead of their enemies, but watching humans take out the Authority is just a little beyond my suspension of disbelief.  

The anti-Midnighter.

And here he is four issues later actually beating Midnighter.

Whilce Portacio draws some funky-ass looking humans.  A lot of the time, “human” is a highly questionable appellation to apply to his characters.  But darnit if it doesn’t work for this comic.  

Seriously, who runs like this?  And with no bra?

This is even better than I remember.  Looking forward to the rest of this.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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