Sunday, June 5, 2022


Aliens: Genocide

Aliens: Harvest

Aliens: Colonial Marines

Collected in Aliens Omnibus 2.  What a mess after the departure of Mark Verheiden from the franchise.  I’d characterize the art as sub-replacement level, the writing as unclear and forgettable.  (Kelley Jones is the exception with the Harvest story, but although his style is perfect for an Aliens story, he can’t rescue the story by Jerry Prosser.  The idea of using an android Alien to infiltrate a hive is intriguing, but the confusing story can’t bring it home.)

I wasn’t looking forward to reading this trade, and the results confirm it.  Cutting..

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Fine, Stupid, and Disliked respectively

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