Tuesday, June 7, 2022


Fables 1-5

As much as I love this series (or think I love this series), I don’t think I’ve read it more than once.  And the thought of reading through 150 issues of this is frankly a bit daunting.  (Kind of like Ultimate Spider-Man, though I’m not as worried about that one.)  

Anyway, I don’t remember very much of this title.  What I do recall of this first arc is: Murder mystery.  Rose Red is dead.  But not really.  

It’s a solid beginning, and it’s…sobering to see Snow, Bigby, Flycatcher, Jack, Boy Blue, and all the rest here at the beginning, knowing how far they have to go and how much they’re going to have to endure to get there.  And it’s going to be a great ride.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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