Thursday, June 2, 2022

Stormwatch: Team Achilles

Stormwatch: Team Achilles 14-23

Coup D’Etat 1-4

So I’m pretty sure I kept passing out while I was reading this because I didn’t get enough sleep, and not because this is a completely boring comic book.  But for sure, Team Achilles continues on its gradual downward trajectory as these two too-long arcs (a Captain America-analog tries to overthrow the corrupt US government, and then something about the two descendents of Christ that makes no sense).  Coup D’Etat is a pseudo-event comic where the Authority finally take over the US government.  Oh, and Florida gets wiped off the map, so there’s another part of the world that’s uninhabitable in the Wildstorm universe.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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