Monday, June 13, 2022


Fables 57-58

Bigby, Snow, and the cubs visit Grandfather North for the first time.  The cubs get into trouble, Bigby saves them, and the tension with the North Wind continues.  Mike Allred guest draws.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall

It turns out Snow did the Scheherazade thing right before Scheherazade did.  (Which means the sultan spent 2002 nights listening to stories from two people.  Was he just nocturnal for six years?  When did he sleep?  How did he get any ruling done?)

This is the rare anthology where just about every story is a smash hit.  Bill Willingham doesn’t have a clunker in the bunch, and his artistic collaborators are all phenomenal.  We finally get the post-original fable pre-Fables origins for a number of characters, most notably Snow White (we find out why one should never mention the seven dwarves around her) and Flycatcher (it’s horrifying the best traditions of the Grimm brothers).

John Bolton's Snow White is Asian.  I love this choice.

This is where I realize she's gorgeous because she's modeled after Shu Qi...

Some excellent humor drawn by James Jean, before it all goes incredibly wrong.

Heh.  Laser rabbit eyes.

The rabbit version of "Princess and the Frog."

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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