Thursday, June 23, 2022


Fairest 21-26

Another Cinderella mission drawn by Shawn McManus, this time written by Marc Andreyko.  One of her wicked stepsisters shows up, as do the hundreds of wererats fathered by one of the mice-turned-coachmen from her fairy-tale night.  It’s all very meh.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Didn’t suck

Fairest 27-32

I wish most of the arcs in Fairest didn’t feel the need to conform to the six-issue length.  Too many pages for not enough story.  This one splits its time between Reynard the fox seducing a Mundy and the animals on the Farm rioting over not getting their promised human glamours.  Don’t care about either plot.  The pissed off sunflower (can’t be bothered to learn his name) is zero fun to read about.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Boring

Fairest 33

Bill Willingham returns to tell us what Goldilocks has been up to.  Failing to start communist revolutions in Homeland worlds, it turns out.  She’s not nearly as interesting as Willingham thinks she is.  

One last Adam Hughes cover.

Hee.  Reminiscent of the Monty Python Constitutional Peasant.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Stupid

I’d probably cut a lot of the issues in this run if they didn’t provide so much backstory for the main title.  Informationally interesting, but only re-readable for that reason alone.

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