Sunday, April 24, 2022

Miller Daredevil

Daredevil 173-182

Everything up and including Elektra’s death.  Reading it again today, I have to say that issue 181 is definitely on my short list for best comic ever.  Fight scenes with breathtaking action, expertly drawn by Frank Miller, one of the most famous panels ever, plus the emotional element; It all adds together to form a true work of art.  

Here we go...

A little appetizer.  Follow the nunchucks.

The main event.

That pose makes no sense, but it's so, so classic.

It's the little things, like how he stalks her home.

That middle panel is a brilliant use of time and space.

Showing anything after that can’t help but feel like a letdown, but it’d be wrong to ignore the other awesome stuff Miller does in this stretch of issues:

Love that last panel, after a long night's work.

Great narration in this two page sequence.

Did Klaus Janson do the colors for this?  They're perfect here.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty Good to Pure Joy for 181 and 179

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