Sunday, April 24, 2022

Miller Daredevil

Daredevil 168-172

Frank Miller’s first writing credit on Daredevil and he starts with Elektra?  Are you kidding me?  His first time out the gate and he creates an iconic character who’s still starring in her own comics today?  Astounding.

Nice shots of Daredevil.

It also appears as though he’s the one who adds the Kingpin, an established Spider-Man villain, to Daredevil’s rogues gallery.  It’s a decision that’s borne countless fruit in the ensuing years.  I don’t know how Wilson Fisk was previously characterized, but I have no doubt his appearances here are the definitive studies.

Their first face to face ever.

Their first fight.  Heh, one punch.

So slick.

I love the pacing of Miller’s fight scenes.  They’re excellently paced, and the action reads very well.

Plus, he knows how to maintain a solid running gag, with the long-suffering Turk and the broken windows at Josie’s Bar.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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