Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Miller Daredevil

Daredevil: Love and War

Bill Sienkiewicz is one of the best artists in the business when he does work like this.  It’s just so freaking good.

Best Kingpin ever.

The story by Frank Miller is pretty good too.  He brings some closure (until the next writer picks it up) to the uncommunicative Vanessa Fisk thread from his original run.  The hilarious bit is that Daredevil does very little in this comic.  Sure, he rescues Cheryl from the psycho kidnapper in act two, but he has nothing to do with the final resolution of any of the storylines at the end of the story.  He does a poor job of breaking into Kingpin’s building while all the action happens around him.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Elektra Lives Again

Before I forget, this book smells amazing.  It smells like comics should.

I’d forgotten just how beautiful this comic is.  Miller’s pencils, Lynn Varley’s colors, and the oversized pages combine to make this a super special experience for the eyes.  Each page is truly a work of art in a manner that stands apart even in this medium that revolves so much around the illustrations.  This has to be apex mountain for Miller and Varley.

I've always loved this page.

The colors!

The colors!!!

I want this bathroom.  I love that in a book full of action, it's the brownstone that I love.

That's...a throwing star attached to her nipple?

No one does silhouetted rooftop chases like Frank Miller.

As with Love and War, the plot doesn’t live up the art.  It’s a surreal exploration of Matt’s obsessive need for Elektra to not be dead.  The whole thing is more likely than not the fever dream of a man operating on zero sleep.  It really doesn’t matter when it’s this gorgeous.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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