Wednesday, April 6, 2022

From Hell

From Hell

Okay, well that wasn’t as horrible as I expected it to be.  I mean, I actually read the whole thing, which wasn’t a sure thing going into this.  The narrative is surprisingly solid.  The only massive pain points were the interminable architecture/mysticism lecture in issue four and the full issue devoted to the mutilation of Marie Kelly’s body.  Other than that, it was inoffensive enough.  

This has sat on my shelf for about twenty-five years with the rest of my Alan Moore collection, masquerading as something of quality that I’d want to read again someday.  This is the second time I’ve ever opened it, and I’m never going to again.  I do not care about the Jack the Ripper murders at all, and Alan Moore/Addie Campbell didn’t manage to increase my interest a whit.  I’m never going to crack these pages again.  Cut!

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Don’t suck

That’s it for DC Box 9!  No idea what I’m going to read next.  We’ll see what mood strikes me.

Box Summary

Time spent reading: 26 hours 27 minutes

Issues read: 171

Issues cut: 2

Highlights (Good or better): Starman 0-17, 20-27, 36, 72-73, 80; Starman Annual 2; Shade; V for Vendetta; Swamp Thing 21-27, 29-32, 39, 41-45, 51-54, 56; Swamp Thing Annual 2; League of Extraordinary Gentlemen v1, v2

Project Summary:

Time spent reading: 49 days, 15 hours, 4 minutes

Issues read: 10340

Issues cut: 1096

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