Sunday, April 17, 2022

Invincible, New comics

New comics!

Batman/Catwoman 11

This had better make more sense all at once, because it’s a freaking mess right now.  Tom King’s weakest in quite a while.

Batman: Killing Time 2

This isn’t much better, a bunch of time jumps and set up that make zero sense in a monthly format.

Seven Secrets 16

Aaaand I’m losing interest again.  I don’t know what it is about this series, but Tom Taylor just can’t make it click for me.  Do I need to read it all together again?


Captain Carter 2

Superheroes fighting corrupt politicians is rarely fun to read, but Captain Carter is cool enough that this is still enjoyable.

Black Widow 15

Final issue, and that makes me very sad.  I’ll miss the art by Elena Casagrande and Natasha’s lingering trauma regarding her family.  I’ll miss the support system Natasha built around herself, especially the hilarious Yelena.  The stories themselves are surprisingly forgettable, but I don’t even care.

One last gorgeous fight splash.

Invincible 127-144

An extremely satisfying ending as the survivors of the final Viltrumite Civil War get to live out their happily ever after.  Casualties include Oliver, Nolan, Anissa, and Thragg.  To be honest, I’m a little OD’d on massive battles with hundreds of participants in Invincible at this point, there’s definitely diminishing returns as I binge this whole run.  But they all feel like organic extensions of the overall plot from Robert Kirkman, so I’m not really complaining.  They just lack the wow factor of the earlier epic fights.

BTW, I love Terra across all of her ages.  A solo series starring her would have been a great spin off.  

So much personality.

This re-read of Invincible was everything that I hoped it would be.  It was fun, brutal, jaw-dropping, and impressive in all the ways I would want a superhero comic book to be.  My thanks to Kirkman, Cory Walker, Ryan Ottley, and the whole creative team.

Nice ending.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good to Really Good

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