Thursday, April 21, 2022


Bone TPB 4-6

It gives me no joy to say that the quality of Bone’s story drops considerably over the last two-thirds of its run.  The lighthearted hilarity of the first act slowly bleeds out of the series until all that remains is a grim Lord of the Rings rip off.  (The slog through the ghost circles parallels Sam and Frodo’s interminable hike towards Mordor.  The siege of Atheia mirrors the battle of Helm’s Deep.  Fone Bone’s loyal service to Thorn and key role in assisting her quest to find the Crown of Horns needs no explanation, nor does the immediate collapse of the enemy forces upon completion of said quest.  Then there’s the coronation of the monarch, followed by a long journey home.)

There’s very little fun to be had here, shocking considering how brilliant the first three trades are.  The magical elements are boring, the massive fights surprisingly flat, and the ending completely disappointing.  (And talk about major letdowns when you find out why the Hooded One’s been chasing Phoney Bone this whole time…)  If not for Jeff Smith’s continued excellence with the art, the ratings would be even lower.  

Which isn’t to say there aren’t still highlights aplenty:

I've been harping on the LotR parallels, but this is straight out of Empire Strikes Back.

Bartleby!  One of the best parts of the second half.

*dryly* Who indeed?

The last LOL moment of the series.

Rockjaw had some promise but ended up being a bit player of little consequence.

Giving a shout out to the adorable possum brothers.

Priceless expression.

Rare moment of sadness from Smiley.

Really like the action lines on Fone Bone.

Hee, the things that slip when the adrenaline gets pumping.

Nice for Smiley to acknowledge that he's been Donald Ducking it.

Rare moment of self-awareness from Smiley.

I don't know how I expected or wanted Fone Bone and Thorn's relationship to end up. I don't know if there's any way Jeff Smith could have made it truly satisfying - the romance was clearly one-sided, even if the love was mutual. All I know is that this farewell wasn't what I needed. Alas.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good to Nice by the end of it.

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