Saturday, April 30, 2022

Daredevil, New comics

New comics!

Nightwing 91

Cute second part of the team up with Wally West.

Nice of Wally to ask.

Lion and the Eagle 3

Standard Garth Ennis war fare.  

Catwoman: Lonely City 3

This is so freaking good.  It’s as definitive a last story for Catwoman as DKR is for Batman.  It’s not quite as classic, but it feels that final and epic.  Cliff Chiang has totally leveled up here.

Daredevil 1-8

The start of the Marvel Knights era.  Who would have thought that entrusting a new imprint to those guys who created the firefighter superhero would have such lasting repercussions?

I never read Ash.

This arc, written by Keven Smith, has a better reputation in my mind than it really deserves.  It’s super wordy, Matt Murdock is really played for a fool here, and it’s not a good sign when the writer points out all the flaws in his own story.  Eight issues is way too long, and the Mysterio reveal is a major letdown.  

Joe Quesada’s art is what keeps this above average (though I’m still partial to his work on Sword of Azrael and X-Factor).  That and the excellent Bullseye fight scene in issue number five.  That one sticks in my head.

Yeah, it's a booty call

Great tag.

Sadly, I can't help but think of...

Damn you, Sarah Silverman

I hate the "hedging your bets" argument.

Love the art deco Dr Strange.

What is it about that last phrase that's so eerie and evocative?

Teeth!  So cool.

Didn't see this coming the first time around.

That image of Gwen is shorthand for so much.

Yeah, he doesn't listen.  Milla's coming up.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good.  Good for issue 5

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