Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Invincible 25-35

Mark goes to an alien world and meets his father and half-brother.  He fights a bunch of Viltrumites while he’s there.  Per usual for Robert Kirkman on this title, he mixes brutal action with excellent character work.

After his return to Earth, Mark visits Eve in Africa, then fights Angstrom Levy in one of those “frustrating because he’s getting his ass kicked and can’t do anything about it” duels.  And then he beats Levy to death when he finally gets his hands on him.  (I can’t remember if Angstrom comes back, it seems a little too pat for such a cool character.)

While trapped in an another dimension, Mark meets future Eve, who nails him with a truth bomb:

There’s so much emotion packed into what Eve’s doing here, I love it.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Alternates between Good and Really good

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