Saturday, April 23, 2022

Miller Daredevil

Daredevil 158-161, 163-167

It’s the start of a long, long collection of Daredevil comics.  Off the top of my head, it starts with Frank Miller, then jumps to Marvel Knights with Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada.  Then Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Andy Diggle, and finally Mark Waid.  A lot of runs, covering about 250 issues.  

So here we start with Miller debuting on Daredevil in 1979.  He’s not even writing yet, Roger McKenzie has those duties.  Miller isn’t Frank Miller yet, but there are clearly signs of what’s to come.

Great shadows, even back then.

I probably wouldn’t have kept these if it weren’t for Miller.  The stories are nothing special.  Matt Murdock somehow has three women fawning over him, and Black Widow is surprisingly incompetent.  That’s fine, these are very much the appetizers before the main course that is Elektra.

Over the course of this project, the classic 80s Marvel runs have generally not been as good as I remembered - Stern’s Avengers, Simonson’s Thor, Byrne’s FF.  Really, only Claremont’s X-Men has stood up, and a lot of that’s due to nostalgia.  Where will Daredevil fall on the scale?  On the good side, I hope.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

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