Sunday, April 17, 2022


Invincible 97-126

I’m pretty much saying the same things about Invincible every day - It’s a great comic, completely bingeable, and thoroughly entertaining.  And yet it’s averaging at Good.  It would make sense for it to be higher, but it doesn’t get there more often than not.  It’s probably too much to expect; Think about how hard it is to maintain that level of quality for over 120 issues, thirteen years.  It’s really astounding.

So what happens this time around?  Dinosaurus destroys Greenland, flooding the world and killing over a million people.  He comes

Dinosaurus is Ra's Al Ghul

to the realization that he’s a little crazy, and asks an obliging Mark to kill him.  Eve gets pregnant again.  Nolan takes his place as the rightful emperor of the Viltrumite empire.  Mark and Eve get engaged.  Angstrom Levy strikes again and eventually gets killed for his efforts.  Anissa the Viltrumite rapes Mark.  Robot does a heel turn and takes control of the world, killing a slew of heroes (including Cecil) and ripping Eve’s leg off in the process.  Mark, Eve, and their baby Terra leave Earth so that they don’t have to deal with Robot’s reign. 


Aww.  Great parenting.

Horrible parenting.

I really can't blame them.

Thragg kills Battle Beast. 

That cape...

Mark’s mind gets zapped back to issue one, and although he now has the opportunity to Groundhog Day everything for the better, he chooses to return to the present.  Only he’s returned to the future, and Eve and Terra have been on their own for five years now…  (Man, the number of times Mark’s disappeared from Eve’s life for extended stretches.  The emotional torment she’s gone through.)

I read 30 issues today, so that pretty much says it all about whether this title still has it.  

It's crazy how a pair of overalls is all you need to think "Clark."

Heh, all the Star Trek doctors.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good to Really Good

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