Friday, April 15, 2022


Invincible 60-65

Holy crap.  Robert Kirkman packs an entire event into one issue with the Invincible War.  Angstrom Levy brings evil Mark Graysons from a bunch of alternate dimensions to wreak havoc on Earth.  A ton of the Image universe cameos to meet the threat.  It’s an amazingly well done issue, superb in execution and hitting all the right emotional beats.

And after giving me only one epilogue issue to catch my breath, Kirkman hits me (and Mark) with Conquest.  

Holy crap x 10.  A three-issue brawl that’s the definition of “no hold barred.”  I thought the first Nolan/Mark fight was brutal.  I knew nothing.  This is insane.

Kirkman said he loves big head splash pages.  He should, he's really good at writing them.

Gorgeous Ryan Ottley art.  (And throughout these issues.)

There’s nothing “usual superheroes” about Invincible here.  This is something totally different.

The conclusion Batman should have come to ages ago.

By the way, I love that I remember almost nothing about what happens in this comic.  I’m almost reading it for the first time, and it’s such a great experience.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

Atom Eve 1-2

Atom Eve and Rex Splode 1-3

Nate Bellegarde is…not my favorite penciller.

His head proportions are so off-putting.

Despite that, he acquits himself decently in these two series, and even comes up with a truly horrifying image in a good way.  I guess?

That is so wrong.

These two origin stories aren’t bad, but they get downgraded because a lot of it is directly (intentionally) ripped off from scenes Kirkman’s already done in the main comic.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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