Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Bone TPB 1-3

I have super fond memories of Bone.  It was one of the comics I shared with my sister in high school.  It also had the bonus of being one of the best examples of cartooning ever.  Jeff Smith may very be unparalleled in his ability to draw the perfect facial expressions and body language to match his often hilarious writing:  

Perfectly drawn petulance.

Love that hair tuck.

I've used that final lamentation myself on occasion.

Even with static images, you know exactly how he's gesticulating.

Even this side-to-side look is amazing.

Great pad smack.

That last panel!

Along with the body language comes perfect comic timing:

One of the most brilliant sequences in the history of comics.  I'm not exaggerating.

Tied with the snow scene.

Look at how Fone Bone does the ears!

Okay, this isn't comic, but the timing is impeccable.

Jeff Smith ratchets the tension of the race up to this climax most effectively.

Her hair.

The juxtaposition of that final line with that face.  *Chef's kiss*

Other scenes that are just plain funny:


Ted's brother's silhouette is the funniest thing ever.

I remember this series undergoing a severe drop in entertainment value as the humor decreased and the epic fantasy elements increased.  But for now, these three trades are some of the best comics I’ve ever read.  I get so much joy from them, as evidenced by the copious notes I’ve taken of moments that stood out to me.  I'll end with Thorn-related awesomeness.

Meet cute.

Who among us haven't had this feeling?

So begins the best poetry career ever.

The best poem of the bunch.  By far.

I love how she's sitting.  So casual and relaxed.

So much affection in her smile in the last panel.

One of the few times his love isn't quite so chaste and pure.

Great emotional storytelling.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

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