Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Generation X, Generation X Annual

Generation X 1-7, 9-18, 22-24, 29
Generation X Annual 1995
It’s pretty simple - I’m cutting the issues that Chris Bachalo didn’t pencil.  (And I’m even cutting one that he did.) I’m fascinated by his tenure on this title - He drew 1 to 6, then 17 to 22, then 25, then 29...Some of it was to draw the second Death miniseries for Vertigo.  But by issue 29, his style’s changed quite a bit from his earlier issue, his characters morphing into X-Baby proportions.  Not a fan. Here's how Jubilee's changed over the run:

Issue 2.  I'm a huge fan of this style.

Issue 5.  Sure, no complaints.

Issue 18.  Similar to the previous panel, I even like it more.

Issue 29.  Jubilee's like 7 years old here.  WTF.  Also, there's a significant decrease in detail.

It’s interesting - With the earlier comics in my collection, I’m cutting the ones with bad art, since the writing’s generally less impressive across the board.  If I were to screen for writing quality as well, things would be pretty dire. With my more recent issues, I’m getting rid of things that are poorly written, making only a few exceptions for good art.  (See: All the Alan Moore crap I’ve dumped without a second thought.)

Before I spend the rest of this post raving about Bachalo’s art, examples of why I’m cutting the issues not drawn by him:

Mitch Byrd.  Paige looks like a Muppet here.

Roger Cruz isn't good enough to pull off J. Scott Campbell legs.
This is how you do it.
Also, the stories by Scott Lobdell aren’t really worth writing home about.  After the decent first story arc bringing the team together and introducing Penance (who he promptly ignores for issues at a time), Lobdell takes the team to a fantasy faerie world, introduces Mondo (who he promptly ignores for arcs at a time), then brings back Emplate for an interminable five (!) issue fight.  It’s a bunch of wheel spinning with no purpose.

I’ll say this for him, though: He writes a great Jubilee.  He’s got her voice down perfectly.

A little over the top, but that's Jubilation Lee for you.
Okay.  Bachalo art!

Totally unique design for Chamber.  Love it.

Bachalo's the only person who can do Penance justice.  Like Empath, she looks pedestrian under anyone else's pencil.

She looks like a Mucha girl here.

Especially the hair.

Totally different hair here, I love it.

Regret buying: No if Bachalo, Yes if not.
Would buy again: Yes (1-6), No for everything else.
Would read again: Yes (1-6), No for everything else.
Rating: Nice (1-6)  A mix of Disliked, Boring, Fine, and Didn’t suck for the others.  Keeping 1-6, 17, 18, and 22. Cutting the rest.

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