Friday, January 11, 2019

Prodigy, Strangers in Paradise XXV, Walk Through Hell, Moth & Whisper

New comics!
Prodigy 2
This got a lot less good in a hurry.  Watching three generations of rich white guys hunting orphan children for sport is about as distasteful as it gets.  I don’t care if that’s the point Mark Millar’s looking to get across, there are still better ways to do it. Pair that up with plot development that’s far less compelling than the character work I got last month and this title sudden plummeted to “better flip through it next issue before buying it” status.  

Walk Through Hell 6
This is a weird comic.  Weird things are happening in this warehouse, everyone’s acting just a little bit off kilter, and Nazis are marveling at the beauty of Notre-Dame Cathedral.  I don’t know if I like it, but I know I don’t dislike it. Garth Ennis continues to pique my curiosity, so much like the agents in the comic, I’ll keep inching forward.

Strangers in Paradise XXV 9
I haven’t read Terry Moore’s other work, so maybe this isn’t all that out of place for those characters, but I’m not accustomed to a SiP world where Katchoo and Francine have to worry about atomic bombs powered by God.  It’s a couple steps too far removed from what I want them to be dealing with. Visions of dead friends and family? Sure. Magic with people disappearing out of thin air? Too much.

I hope the scene in the cover (which doesn’t happen in the issue) is just meant to scare us, and won’t actually take place later on in the series.  Too scary. (What’s with all these comics placing children in grave danger?)

Moth & Whisper 5
An obvious but still satisfying ending.  No part of the final heist was surprising, which is usually the death knell for this type of story, but Walter and Niki are so likable that it’s fun just watching them succeed.  I don’t know if this is a limited series, but I’ll continue to buy this as long as there are more.

(While I understand that it’s the proper thing to refer to Niki as ‘they,’ I find it highly unlikely that a security guard in hot pursuit would have the presence of mind to be so conscientious.  (Though maybe in this future society, it’s just a matter of course. That’d be cool.))

Way to stay woke!

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