Monday, January 28, 2019


Gambit 1-4
I’ve always loved Gambit.  Despite a look that should really be ridiculous (How can a combination of magenta body armor, blue chest piece w/ random criss-cross lines, that crazy hair, trench coat, and metal boots possible work?), there may not be a sweeter looking character in all of comics.

His look really makes no sense at all.

He's just so cool!

Like Wolverine, he’s the best at what he does, but his attitude about it is the total opposite of the Canucklehead.  While Logan is all intensity and aggression, Remy LeBeau flows through life with languor and ease. Being the best thief out there gives him that luxury.  

His relationship with Rogue is the final piece in what makes him so good to read.  Their relationship has generally been handled so well over the years, from their early flirtations to the realization that there may be something genuine behind all of it.  Then the tragedy of their inability to touch kicks in and adds a whole other level of pathos. It’s a pleasing mix of sadness and romance. (And from the looks of their latest pairing in Mr and Mrs X, there’s happiness now, too.  I’ll check it out when it comes out in trade.)

One of my favorite covers.
Anyway, the actual comics.  The mini-series is nothing special.  Outside of Bella Donna, Gambit’s ex-wife, the Assassin and Thieves Guilds of New Orleans never interested me.  Plus, Lee Weeks, usually fine at his worst, is ill-served by Klaus Jansen on inks. (I’ve made my feelings on Jansen clear in the past.)  

Not bad, but I still wish he had a different inker.

A little lazy on the recycled angles, though.
Keeping because it’s Gambit, the art’s decent, and nostalgia.  May never read it again, though.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine

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