Sunday, January 20, 2019

Zero Girl, Think Tank

Zero Girl 1-5
Hated this in so many ways.  Amy’s powers are weird, her personality annoys me, her aggressive advances towards her teacher are improper, and she’s generally disagreeable.  Sam Keith’s art honestly disgusts me with its grossness (the square acne generated physical revulsion). I stopped paying attention by the last issue.  The final non-happy ending would have been powerful if I cared at all about the characters, but all I thought was, “Serves you right, you stupid person.”  I can’t get rid of this fast enough.

Regret buying: Yes
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Hated

Think Tank 9-12
Think Tank: Creative Destruction 1-4
Think Tank: Animal 1-4
So so good.  Dr David Loren is a deeply flawed character, but despite his many issues and his almost alien genius, it’s so easy to relate to, and therefore root for, him.  Much of it has to do with the excellent inner monologues that Matt Hawkins writes for him. Even as he acts as a complete dick, you see everything that’s going on in his head, and you can understand and even empathize with what he’s going through.  He’s got so much weight on his soul, trapped in an impossible position creating weapons of death for the government. Only a sociopath wouldn’t crack under the pressure.

Then there’s the science.  Hawkins does so much research for these stories, as evidenced by the multitude of links that he cites at the end of each issue (thankfully included in the trades as well.)  There’s no end to the terrifying things that he’s managed to uncover, and I should really take the time to read up on a bunch of it. (It may be scary, but it’s also fascinating.)

The series wraps up a little too neatly, but after all the shit he’s gone through, who am I to begrudge David a happy ending?

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Good

And that’s the end of Image Box 3!  
Box Summary:
Time spent reading: 18 hours, 38 minutes
Issues read: 154
Issues cut: 21
Highlights (Good or better): Rising Stars, Starlight, Think Tank, Transhuman, Wonderlost.  

Project Summary:
Time spend reading: 14 days, 8 hours, 32 minutes
Issues read: 2806
Issues cut: 356

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