Saturday, February 2, 2019

Action Comics, Skyward, Heroes in Crisis

New comics!
Action Comics 1007
At this point, I’m looking back at Brian Michael Bendis’ runs on both Action and Superman and thinking that I have no real desire to read either of them over again.  I’ve got to take that as a signal to stop buying both. I’ve given them seven issues apiece, and there hasn’t been enough improvement.  Sigh, that’s such a huge disappointment, I so wanted these to be good. Eh, if they improve, I can pick up the trades. (Which is actually cheaper, anyway.)  

So what happens this issue?  Jimmy Olsen realizes he’s dating a member of Kobra.  (Isn’t that where things were going with Ganke’s girlfriend in Spider-Man at the end?)  Lois tells her dad that Clark is Superman.  Whoa, that’s a major big deal. Did she even run that by Clark?  Seems like a horribly misguided decision.

I may never discover how it turns how.  I can live with that.

Nice alt cover by Patrick Gleason.

Skyward 10
Skyward is more fun when it’s exploring how reduced gravity has affected the world, less so when it gets involved with the plot. This is a plot issue, and ends with everyone in a race to reach Chicago first.  Necessary to get the story moving, but not as fun as some of the earlier issues.

Heroes in Crisis 5
Who’s supposed to be taking these photos on the cover?

I still hate Booster Gold.  Still love Clay Mann’s art.

Beautiful use of shadow here.

Superman’s speech is Tom King overtly talking to the readers about real life soldiers and the sacrifices they make for their fellow citizens.  It’s well written, and worth reading. (It also succeeds in its ostensible purpose as Superman’s attempt to mollify the unthinking masses.)

This is going to be a joy to read in its entirety.

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