Thursday, January 10, 2019

Velvet, Violator, War Heroes

Velvet 1-15
I own the first ten, read the last five online.  This is one of Ed Brubaker’s stronger efforts. (And for Steve Epting as well.)  Imagine if Miss Moneypenny was the true badass of MI6, unbeknownst to James Bond and all the other 00 agents.  That’s Velvet Templeton, who gets dragged back into the spy world after a decade away from the game. The conspiracy she’s unravelling is moderately interesting.  It’s Velvet’s uber-competence that’s fun to read. She’s like Jason Bourne, almost always thinking ahead of those chasing after her.

Things get less interesting after she breaks Damian Lake out of prison.  He’s the one person who manages to out-mastermind Velvet, but he’s too generic of a villain for it to be fun.  (He’s no Tao from Wildcats.)

This is another story that could easily be modified into a sweet Black Widow movie.  (Though come to think of it, did I only think of  that because the lead is female? Have I ever thought that a similar comic with a male protagonist would be a good Widow film?  Time for me to examine my personal biases and course correct if necessary…)

Anyway, the ending is weak enough that I don’t have the urge to buy the last trade.  Though I could be convinced if it was on sale for like five bucks.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Violator 1-3
Spawn Toys 4
I was not expecting to dislike this as much as I did.  In fact, I had fond memories for this series - Funny, irreverent writing by Alan Moore, great art by Bart Sears, and a good old mindless gorefest.  (Not something that I normally yearn for, but this one succeeded in entertaining me.)

Eh, not so much twenty-four years later.  Part of me is terrified that I’m just old and can’t enjoy a juvenile splatterfest anymore.  I remember the days where a human wishbone getting ripped in twain by two demons was the funniest thing.  Yeah, no. The Clown wearing a mobster’s head like a charm bracelet? My biggest reaction is the annoyance I feel that Sears blatantly switches which wrist it’s on midway through the first issue.

Left hand.

Right hand.  So sloppy.

The Admonisher?  Used to be hilarious.  Now he’s a one-note Punisher wannabe with a bit that gets old really fast.  

Give it to Sears, he’s really talented at drawing gross stuff.  I just don’t have positive response to it anymore.

Tom Orzechowski still rocks on letters.

The thrill is gone...

Spawn Toys 4, like the first issue, is stupid filler that came with the Violator toy.  Easy cut. Same with Violator.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Disliked.  Stupid for Spawn Toys 4.  (Cutting all of them.)

War Heroes 1-3
The US Army gives power-granting pills to their soldiers.  Things are hunky dory until Al Qaeda gets their hands on the pills too.  Chaos ensues.

Such a shame that Mark Millar never finished this one off.  Tony Harris isn't too pleased either.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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