Friday, January 18, 2019

Walk Through Hell, Superman, Ironheart, Youngblood

New comics!
Walk Through Hell 7
Still weird, but I’m losing interest and running out of patience.  The slow build up to..something is no longer creepy and ominous, just tedious.  Also, the thought of reading this over again from issue one doesn’t appeal to me at all.  It’s very likely that this is my last issue of the series.

There is a very interesting conversation midway through about identity and how social groups today have a tendency to reflexively judge whether or not someone is entitled to speak on their behalf.  “It’s a short step from identity to superiority. More and more I see opinions born of subjective experience being deemed more worthy than those born of objectivity...Your right to be heard in any discussion - even to join it - is determined by your identity.  Other opinions are not welcome. Now when did that every work out well for anyone?”

I have many thoughts about this, but I’ll keep them to myself.  I’ll happily have this discussion in person, though.

Superman 7
Jon Kent returns.  Three weeks in Superman’s time, seven years in Superboy’s.  (Which I totally don’t buy. From the amount of moping Clark’s been doing, there’s not way it hasn’t been less than three months.)

It’s really not much of an issue.  Superboy fights with Jor-El, Lois feel useless and returns to Earth.  It all feels like an excuse to dress Lois up in a spandex Superman outfit.  This is taking decompressed storytelling to completely new heights, and it’s not doing it for me.  Insane Jor-El doesn’t grab my attention either. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

I never noticed all this Lois fan service in the past.

Ironheart 2
At least Brian Michael Bendis’ legacy is in good hands.  This is a comic about Riri, not Ironheart.  Her character factors so much into this story, it’s delightful.  Definitely sticking around for a while longer.

Team Youngblood 9, 14
I must have gotten rid of the original miniseries at some point, because I know I used to own it.  As bad as it is, I’d still like to have it for nostalgia’s sake. Ah well. I’m certainly not going to buy anything else by Rob Liefeld.  Though I don’t understand why I would have dumped those and not these.

At least the inks by Danny Miki are cleaner on Liefeld’s pencils.  That gives it a professional look that improves upon the art in the original series.  For all the shit that everyone (and I) give Liefeld, there’s still something magnetic about his work.  It’s still fun to look at.  I still remember all of his designs for the original Youngblood team, so clearly he hit upon something that worked.  

I've always liked Shaft's look and Badrock's face.

Not as nice when Liefeld inks himself.

...okay, I can’t resist.  Let’s take a look at his hands.

Shaft's shaking with a balled up fist.  Try to get your hand to do what Die Hard's is.
Unsurprisingly, Liefeld draws half the issue before never returning to the title.  Chap Yaep, regular penciller for Team Youngblood, takes back the reins for the second half.  He has shown himself to be a capable artist, but his consistency leaves a lot to be desired.  

I really like this picture of Dutch.

Hard to believe the same artist drew these faces.
I only have issue fourteen because teenage me was titillated by the “Riptide poses nude for a magazine” storyline.  Seeing as how the ‘photos’ are no more risque than something you can find in an issue of Maxim, I don’t know why past me bothered.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes (No for 14)
Rating: Fine (Didn’t suck for 14)

Youngblood 1, 2
Awesome Adventures 1
Alan Moore lasted three issues before bailing on his Youngblood reboot.  I’m constantly stunned by how much Moore material I keep cutting from my collection.  It’s flat out boring, not nearly as interesting as I remember. Steve Skroce draws a slick Shaft, though.

I just love the red/white color scheme paired with the archer motif.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Boring (Cutting)

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