Thursday, January 3, 2019

Runaways, Heroes in Crisis, Action Comics

New comics!
Runaways 17
The kids spend most of the issue debating whether or not to follow Alex’s plan to prevent world destruction.  They finally agree, then reverse their decision again after Gib comes to the realization that maybe humans aren’t worth wiping out after all.  They fight Bo and Rim, lose, and the issue ends with Alex prepared to go through with the sacrificial rite after all (with Victor as the lamb).  Not one of this run’s stronger issues, but it’ll do. I’m still waiting for Alex to take a long walk off a short pier. Also, this had better not be the end of Doombot.

Action Comics 1006
Stuff actually happens, so thumbs up.  Bendis continues to hit the little moments out of the park, while struggling with the larger plot points.  With gems like the ones below, I’ll take it.

It's the car!!!

He must give the best hugs.

He's so good at these speeches.

Perfect, even if it is a mirror of...

Heroes in Crisis 4
I haven’t mentioned it until now, but I’ve been loving the covers depicting classic moments of trauma from DC history.  

The pace picks up, which is great.  Even greater is Clay Mann’s art, which is causing me to audibly exhale in awe when I see some of these panels for the first time.

Love the ears.  Also, a sobering scene.

Tomeu Morey on colors.

Total fan service, but very well done.

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