Saturday, January 26, 2019

Excalibur, Cover, Buffy

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1
An interesting but understandable decision for Boom Studios to reboot the series after taking over the license from Dark Horse.  I felt extremely weird the entire time I read this. Jordie Bellaire does a really nice job of writing in each of these characters’ voices.  It wasn’t hard at all for me to hear the voices of Sarah Michelle Gellar, Anthony Stewart Head, Alyson Hannigan, and all the rest in my head.  Dan Mora similarly does the Scooby Gang proud with his renderings of their faces. (Except for Anya. I thought it was her, but needed the script to confirm it.)  

So nice to see the old crew back together!

I can practically taste the dry wit.

Yeah, wouldn't have guessed by looking.
All in all, it was like coming home to old friends.  The problem is that instead of wanting to read the next issue, I want to pop season one into the DVD player and binge the whole thing.  I want the real thing, not a filtered experience. I’ll flip through the next issue, but I think this is going to be as skippable as the previous series.

Cover 5
It’s only been a month, but I felt uncomfortably disoriented for the first ten pages or so of this issue.  I couldn’t tell who was talking to whom, and I had trouble grasping the thread of the conversation.

Things cleared up once David Mack got back to the Ninja Sword art and Julia popped back into the picture.  There’s enough plot advancement and lovely art for this to remain on my good side.

Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn
The origin of Excalibur, told in the aftermath of the “death” of the X-Men in the Fall of the Mutants storyline.  It’s not that interesting.  The various members of the inaugural team come together to fight Technet and Mojo’s Warwolves.  And that’s about it. Shadowcat and Nightcrawler will always be favorites of mine, but Excalibur has forever lacked purpose, a reason for being.  I’m keeping it for the historical significance, nothing more.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Boring

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