Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Before I forget, the cover for Shuri 4, out this week, looks beautiful.

I’ve never heard of Sam Spratt before today, but check out some more of his work.  It’s gorgeous.

Cable: Blood and Metal 1
Cable 1-4
A convoluted history doesn’t necessarily make for an interesting character.  Once you get past all of the crazy events in his life, there’s not that much left to read.  If asked to describe Cable’s personality, I’d say he’s...determined, strong-willed and...that’s really all I’ve got.  I’ve just described every hero in the Marvel (and DC) universe. He shoots big guns and uses his telekinesis and telepathy when needed.  He throws a few dry witticisms every once in a while, which helps.

These first issues of his series only serve to reinforce these impressions.  The Six Pack are a precursor for all the generic teams Rob Liefeld will go on to create for Image.  Cable’s compadres in the future are even less memorable. All of them are pissed off at Cable for one reason for another, and it’s all boring.  

Things aren’t helped by Art Thibert on pencils, who really tries to ape Jim Lee.  

Thibert's so close, but just not quite there.  It's like an uncanny valley thing.

...I saw what I did there.
These are all cuttable.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Didn’t suck (Boring for Cable 1-4) (Cutting all of them)

Ending with this stunning piece by Bill Sienkiewicz:


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