Thursday, January 24, 2019

District X, Pearl, Naomi

Some new comics!
Three issues of Brian Michael Bendis this week, pretty awesome.  Two today, I’ll cover the other stuff tomorrow.
Pearl 6
After a shaky middle, Bendis finishes off this initial story arc in excellent fashion.  Pearl’s father reveals the answer to a mystery I didn’t even know existed, but it’s a great revelation nonetheless.  Bendis’ dialog scintillates, and I totally intend to keep buying when it returns in two months.

Naomi 1
I wasn’t going to buy this because Bendis is only listed as a co-writer, along with David F Walker.  With absolutely nothing supporting my theory, I was worried that meant Bendis was on board in a purely supervisory capacity.  But the art by Jamal Campbell looked wonderful and Walker did decent work on Power Man and Iron Fist.

I had nothing to fear.  This reads like a pure Bendis book, with his typical sparkling banter and slow, slow build up.  The reveal at the end isn’t much of twist, but it’s still effective. I want to know more, and that’s the sign of a successful first issue.

District X
I must say, as much as I’m expecting to ruthlessly cut issues from this box, I’m really looking forward to reading from it each day.  I think it’s because it doesn’t look like there are a lot of extended runs - no 50-issue chunk of mediocre X-Factor that I’m going to have to churn through.  If something sucks, I’ll be done and on to the next series in short order.  

So done with Cable, on to District X.  No idea why I bought this.  I do like Bishop, I suppose.  He’s paired up with a cop, dealing with issues that come up in District X, the mutant ghetto in New York City.  It’s actually quite good, better than I remember. David Hine does a great job of telling gritty, messy, street-level stories of a wretched neighborhood.  He also weaves a compelling, relatable life for Ismael Ortega.

The seemingly small obstacle in his physical relationship with his wife is heartbreaking when I really think about it, given strength by Hine’s writing.  (It’s not as bad as Rogue’s mutant power, for example, but being denied this tiny joy that everyone should be able to experience really stings.)

I stopped buying with an issue to go in the arc, which seems odd considering how well it was doing.  But reviews that I’ve recently read suggest that things go downhill later, so I don’t expect to buy more issues.  (I may try to find them to read, though.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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