Saturday, November 27, 2021


Runaways 7-12

Reading these issues, it hit me more than ever just how broken these kids are with respect to their views on adults.  The traumatizing revelation that their parents were actually evil has led them to make that association with all grownups, and it’s absolutely tragic.  They’re cutting themselves off from an essential support system, isolating themselves and relying on each other in ways that kids should never have to.  It’s understandable and it’s heartbreaking.  At least Klara got out:

As for the rest of it, it’s all wonderful.  Molly’s dilemma when faced with the offer of eternal youth doesn’t go the way I expected.  While she certainly considers it, she doesn’t rashly follow through the way I thought she would.  Instead, writer Rainbow Rowell uses the youth cupcake to advance (read: end) Karolina and Julie Power’s relationship.  And the team doesn’t waste any time when faced w/ the decision to help their friend, screwing over Molly’s friend, Abigail, without a second thought.  (I feel sorry for her, but not really.)  It’s a refreshing take on the usual navel-gazing moralizing that most heroes would agonize over.  As teenagers, the Runaways just don’t give a shit about it.  They take care of their own.  Because they have to.

Plus, Kris Anka’s art remains delightful and the humor is top notch.

Love the teamwork.

Victor is such a Chase troll.

So true when you're in love...

Heh, looking at the old reviews, I wrote a lot of the same things...

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Runaways 13-18

My previous reviews pretty much cover everything.  Alex sucks, Nico’s stupid, Doombot shows up with his perfect one-liners in just the right amount.  Not nearly as good as the first year of issues, but not bad, either.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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