Friday, November 12, 2021

Iron Fist: The Living Weapon, Box Summary

Iron Fist: The Living Weapon 1-12

Kaare Andrews is really an extraordinary artist.  His work has insanely strong ties to Frank Miller’s Elektra Lives phase, but then adds a litheness that’s all its own.  Unfortunately, this story, which starts off very strong, completely disintegrates in the second half with far too much mysticism for my taste and a completely off-putting villain in The One/Wendell Rand amalgam.  

Still, there are some memorable moments, and the introduction of Pei adds a legacy character who definitely shows promise.  (She shows up later in Immortal Iron Fists, but one look at the art convinced me to not get it.)  Andrews draws amazing martial arts action scenes, he really knows how to pose the body.  I wish he had more of those in this comic and fewer deformed monsters.

Well done overhead staircases always remind me of Miller's classic...

So good.

I love this composition.  The moon, the ruined skyscraper.

A harrowing two pages, showcasing a mother's love and a child's nightmare.

"Forbidden Kick" must be the official martial art name.

Love how her leg stays raised.  It's the tiny details from Andrews.

Great outfit, and I have soft spot for the three-section staff.

Love the motion in his action poses.

An amazing sequence of pages...

...all leading up to one punch...

...that takes up three double page spreads.

I've never seen anything like this.

It must intentionally not be a 6-page gatefold.  Such an interesting choice.

Such a Frank Miller face...

...with the bug eyes, pupil points, maniacal smile.

This is where it completely went off the rails for me.  Mega Maid the Building.  So lame.

Great pose, Miller rain.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

A house ad in the comic.  One of the best looks ever.

That’s it for Marvel Box 9!

Box summary

Time spent reading: 25 hours, 24 minutes

Issues read: 253

Issues cut: 0

Highlights (Good or better): Jupiter’s Legacy v 1, 2; Jupiter’s Circle v 1, 2; Invincible Iron Man 8-19, 25-33 (Fraction/Larocca’s run); Invincible Iron Man 1-5, 14 (Bendis’ run); Invincible Iron Man 1-10 (Bendis’ Riri run); Marvels 1-4; Immortal Iron Fist 1-6

Project Summary:

Time spent reading: 43 days, 23 hours, 6 minutes

Issues read: 9254

Issues cut: 1074

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