Thursday, November 25, 2021


Runaways 1-6

I’m not really a fan of re-reading something so soon after buying it, no matter how good it is.  Unless it’s absolutely spectacular, it’s going to feel at least a smidge stale.  The beginning of this run is four years old, but I just read the last issue of the run.’s good!  Rainbow Rowell really gets these characters, and Kris Anka is a perfect artist for them.

Of course Molly knew, she's the best.

Of course Chase is entirely clueless.  Poor Victor.

Victor's mouth is just a single line, but with Anka's brilliant placement, it speaks volumes.

That is all cats.

The main downer is Gert.  I get that being brought two years into the future is disorienting, being resurrected is no picnic, and discovering that everyone has moved on from the world you’re familiar with will discombobulate you to no end.  But she’s a total wet blanket, and her presence arguably makes everyone’s life worse.  I especially feel for Karolina.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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