Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Marvels, New comics


Some more new comics!

Nightwing 85

It’s so satisfying to see Babs and Dick fighting side by side.  Robbi Rodriguez does the action scenes proud, and then there’s this:

So satisfying.

Woots, thanks Tom Taylor!

Black Widow 12

This would be an excellent title even without it, but it’s the added emotional weight of Natasha’s real-but-not previous life that elevates Kelly Thompson and Elena Casagrande’s work to something really special.  Heartbreaking and beautiful everytime we (and Widow) are reminded of it.

My heart is torn to shreds.

Marvels 1-4

Still a flat out classic.  Two things stood out to me this time around: I love the smell of these comics.  The scent brings me back to the first time I read these issues.  The second is how downbeat the ending of this series really is - Phil Sheldon is a cranky old man, finally driven to retirement by the death of Gwen Stacy, unable to continue documenting the villains that killed her and the heroes that let her (and him) down.

Still, for all that, it remains a gorgeously painted story, even if early Alex Ross is a little bit stiff with the posing and facial expressions.  And Kurt Busiek gets some really nice moments of everyman introspection down on the page.  Sure, there’s some nostalgia baked into the final rating, but it’s well deserved nonetheless.

It's a day for sad storylines involving children.

Yet another story that hits so much harder now that I'm a father.

I imagine what it'd be like to be the dad for either Maggie or Jenny.

Alex Ross channels so much John Romita Sr.

It never gets any easier.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Marvels 0, Epilogue

Busiek and Ross reunite for some really short stories.  Nice, but unnecessary in the final analysis.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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