Sunday, November 14, 2021

World War Hulk, Karnak

World War Hulk 1-5

A really strong concept that completely peters out by the end.  Hulk beating the crap out of everyone?  Good.  John Romita Jr drawing the crap out of it?  Goood.  The guy doesn’t have the prettiest art, but damned if I can think of anyone who draws sheer power better than him.  

Crystal clear motivation.

Christina Strain's colors do a lot of work here too.

Then Hulk...makes an arena out of Madison Square Garden and makes them fight each other?  That’s it?  That’s awfully localized for a world war.  And for someone who appears to be taking pride in the title of “Worldbreaker,” why is he so squeamish about anyone dying?  (And seriously, no way no one died in this thing.)

For all of the buildup, this hyped event ends the way all Hulk rampages do: With Hulk transformed back into Bruce Banner and locked away in shackles.  Whee.

Also the Sentry remains one of the lamest characters ever.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

World War Hulk: Aftersmash 1

A bunch of followup covering characters that I care zero about.  (This is one of those “set up a bunch of spinoff #1 issues” issues.)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Didn’t suck (Cutting)

Karnak 1-6

This follows the classic Warren Ellis pattern of “rude, eccentric person investigates paranormal phenomenon, resolves it, and broods in the final panel over how the experience has fundamentally shifted their world view.”  Think Hellblazer, Global Frequency, Injection, Fell, Planetary, etc.

What remains is how well he manages to pull off each iteration.  His track record is pretty good, and while Karnak starts off strong, the momentum isn’t enough to carry it through to the end.  There are some great one-liners, and artist Gerardo Zaffino draws a sweet action scene (he’d do a great Iron FIst or Shang-Chi), but things veer into too-weird territory as Ellis approaches Grant Morrison-levels of crazy for its own sake.  

Love the hoodie look.

Not bad, but not close to Ellis’ best.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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